














A,关于T细胞(T Cells)的研究项目最多

有 56 项在研基金涉及到了T细胞,关注最多的方面包括CAR T细胞(CAR T Cells)、DNA、基因表达(Gene Expression)、皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤(Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma)、治疗方案(Treatment Options)、NK细胞(NK Cell)等研究。



有 39 项在研基金涉及到了弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤,关注最多的方面包括非霍奇金淋巴瘤(nonHodgkin Lymphoma)、ABC DLBCL、GCB DLBCL、BCR 信号传导(BCR Signaling)、CAR T细胞(CAR T Cells)、肿瘤DNA(Tumor DNA)、滤泡性淋巴瘤(Follicular Lymphoma, FL)等研究。


C,关于霍奇金淋巴瘤(Hodgkin Lymphoma)的研究项目

有 22 项在研基金涉及到了霍奇金淋巴瘤,关注最多的方面包括联合疗法(Combination Thrapies)、HL 患者(HL Patients)、非霍奇金淋巴瘤(nonHodgkin Lymphoma)、EBV、HIV 患者(HIV Individuals)、CAR T细胞(CAR T Cells)等研究。


其他淋巴瘤研究大的方向还包括下一代(Next Generation)、滤泡性淋巴瘤(Follicular Lymphoma)、套细胞淋巴瘤(Mantle Cell Lymphoma)等。



A,Bone Marrow Grafting and Cellular Therapy for Leukemia and Lymphoma

The overall goals of our Program Project Grant are to develop a more robust fundamental understanding of transplantation biology and address the major challenges of HCT including GVHD, disease relapse and immune reconstitution. We will tackle these major challenges through innovative animal modeling, comprehensive biological and molecular analysis, novel imaging of animal and human subjects and biologically focused translational clinical trials. In addition, we will explore the biology of key cellular populations including Treg, iNKT, TR1, CD8 memory and CAR T cells.

Our Program involves 5 interactive Projects focusing on the biology and prevention of GVHD through an enhanced understanding of cellular imaging and immune regulation (Projects 1 and 2), prevention and treatment of disease relapse with memory CD8+ T cells and vaccination strategies (Project 3), improved function and efficacy of CAR T cells (Project 4) and monoclonal antibody based strategies (Project 5). 

These Projects are supported by three Cores (Administration and Clinical Trial Coordination, Biostatistics and Data Management and Cell Processing and Immune Monitoring).

Through our interactive Program Project, we will gain novel insights into the biology of hematopoietic cell transplantation and develop innovative strategies to improve outcomes for patients with hematological malignancies. The knowledge gained has profound implications for cancer and transplantation biology and also for the treatment of patients with a broad range of immunological conditions such as autoimmune disorders and transplantation of solid organs.

B, Epigenetic basis and therapeutic targeting of the unique lymphoma immunological niche

To address this challenge we have assembled a team of experts with distinct spheres of expertise, suites of cutting edge technologies and powerful and physiologically accurate model systems. They have worked together as a team to develop a compelling body of preliminary data supporting the conceptual framework of this proposal, and have developed critical resources such as shared genomics databases, primaryhuman PDX repositories, genetically engineered mouse models, computational pipelines and graphical user interfaces, and others.

They will address the central hypotheses that i) chromatin is the key integrator, rheostat and executor of cell-intrinsic and cell- extrinsic pathways regulating key GC cell fate decisions downstream of immune synapse signaling, ii) DLBCLs reflect a continuum of malignant states with each tumor aligning with one or more points along GC B-cell epigenetic trajectories, iii) GCB and ABC DLBCLs are defined by crosstalk between their chromatin landscapes and other immune populations to shape the LME, iv) that these chromatin to LME effects vary in specific ways with mutation profiles and with aging age, and that v) rational targeting of DLBCLs must take into account and specifically antagonize these specific chromatin-immune synapse - LME scenarios to achieve long term tumor eradication.

爱去舞 人体艺术 妇科学问



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