

类风湿性关节炎(Rheumatoid Arthritis, RA是一种慢性自身免疫性疾病,主要影响关节,但也可能影响全身其他部位。此病的特点是对称关节炎,导致关节肿胀、疼痛、僵硬和功能受限,如果不治疗,可能导致关节畸形和不可逆的损伤。





2024年,以“Rheumatoid Arthritis”为检索词、在题目中进行检索,美国NIH针对类风湿性关节炎的在研有78项









A,关于T细胞(T Cell)的研究项目最多

有 21 项在研基金涉及到了T细胞,关注最多的方面包括B细胞(B Cell)、RA 滑膜(RA Synovium)、表位(Epitope)、CD4 T细胞(CD4 T Cells)、成纤维细胞(Fibroblasts)、CD8 T细胞(CD8 T Cells)等方面研究。


B,RA 发病机制(RA Pathogenesis的研究

有 17 项研究涉及到RA 发病机制,研究领域主要涉及疗效(Effects)、DNA、T细胞(T Cells)、决定因素(Determinants)、FLS、关节炎症(Articular Inflammation)等方面研究。


C,小鼠模型(Mouse Models)

有 15 项研究涉及到小鼠模型,涉及的关键词包括如机理研究(Mechanistic Studies)、了解(Understanding)、长期目标(Longterm Goal)、巨噬细胞(Macrophages)、RA 进展(RA Progression)、滑膜成纤维细胞(Synovium Fibroblasts)等。


其他类风湿性关节炎研究大的方向也包括初步数据(Preliminary Data)、临床试验(Clinical Trails)、总人数(General Population)等。



A,CNS Pain Mechanisms in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis: Implications for the Acute to Chronic Pain Transition

The long-term goal of this research program is to design interventions to prevent pain centralization, and hence chronic pain, in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The objective is to identify modifiable clinical factors and neurobiological pathways that lead to the development of chronic pain in early RA. The focus of this application is early RA because the first 12 months after RA diagnosis likely represents a critical time in which to prevent the acute to chronic pain transition. Preliminary data from the Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH) showed that the incidence of fibromyalgia, the prototypical centralized pain condition, is highest during the first year after RA diagnosis. The central hypothesis is that sleep problems, psychosocial factors, and abnormal CNS (e.g., brain, spinal cord) regulatory mechanisms predict the development of pain centralization in the first year after RA diagnosis.

The central hypothesis will be tested by pursuing the following three specific aims:

1) to identify modifiable factors that predict symptoms of pain centralization in early RA;

2) to identify quantitative sensory testing (QST) evidence of augmented CNS pain processing that predict symptoms of pain centralization;

and 3) to define the functional and anatomic brain pathways underlying pain centralization in early RA.

For the first aim, 534 early RA patients from CATCH and CATCH- US (US extension of CATCH) will be enrolled to complete measures of sleep, pain, psychosocial factors, and disability administered at 0, 3, 6 and 12 months after entry into the cohorts.

For the second aim, 125 early RA patients will undergo QST, a type of testing that involves assessing response to well-defined, quantifiable painful stimuli (e.g., pressure and cold), at 0, 3 and 12 months.

For the third aim, 95 patients from Aim 2 will undergo magnetic resonance imaging at 0 and 12 months to assess neuroimaging markers (e.g., correlations in activity between different brain regions, volume of tissue in brain areas consisting of nerve cell bodies) that have previously been shown to be involved in pain centralization.

The proposed research is innovative because it represents a substantive departure from the status quo by: 1) focusing on early RA, 2) incorporating assessments of pain-related constructs into two multi-site early RA registries, and 3) employing a multimodal approach, including patient-reported measures of pain, QST, and neuroimaging, to assess pain pathways.

The proposed research is significant because it will set the stage for intervention design (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy to treat sleep problems, early treatment of pain with gabapentin) and future trials to prevent chronic pain, ultimately leading to a paradigm shift in the management of pain in systemic inflammatory diseases.

B, A Novel Immunological-Directed Biotherapy for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Our goal is to develop a novel, immunological-directed L. lactis probiotic-based therapeutic for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

We are developing an oral immunotherapy that regulates auto-Ag-specific regulatory T cells (Tregs) to provide bystander tolerance. The two main goals of this approach are: 1) to “switch off” the immune response against the host’s own tissues and 2) balance the effector cell relationships to prevent relapses of chronic inflammation.

This Fast Track application is focused on obtaining human validation for R-2487 by completing a first-in-human Phase 1 RA proof-of-concept clinical trial. The Specific Aims are: 

1) finalize R-2487 clinical supply packaging,

2) prepare and file an IND with the FDA,

3) complete a Phase 1 proof-of-concept clinical trial,

4) analyze patient samples before/after dosing to evaluate pharmacodynamic changes and biomarkers,

5) perform Phase 2 clinical manufacturing scale up development to ready R-2487 for larger confirmatory trial.

Successful commercialization of R-2487 will provide a profound medical advancement for treating RA.

爱去舞 人体艺术 妇科学问



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