

囊性纤维化(Cystic Fibrosis, CF)是一种遗传性疾病,主要影响身体的分泌腺,包括呼吸系统、消化系统和生殖系统的腺体。这种疾病导致身体分泌出来的粘液异常粘稠和黏滞,堵塞管道,引起感染和炎症。




2024年,以“Cystic Fibrosis”为检索词、在题目中进行检索,美国NIH针对囊性纤维化的在研有84










A,关于具体目标(Specefic Aims)的研究项目最多

有 27 项在研基金涉及到了具体目标,关注最多的方面包括肺功能(Lung Function)、模型系统(Model Systems)、项目概要(Project Summary)、核心(Core)、变异(Variants)、发病率和死亡率(Morbidity and Mortality)等方面研究。


B,基因疗法(Gene Therapy)的研究

有 21 项研究涉及到基因疗法,研究领域主要涉及囊性纤维病患者(People with CF)、递送(Delivery)、慢性肺(Chronic Lung)、中心(Center)、样本(Samples)等方面研究。



有 21 项研究涉及到药物,涉及的关键词包括如药物代谢(Drug Metabolism)、变异(Variants)、职业独立性(Career Independence)、健康(Health)、小鼠模型(Mouse Model)、酸(Acid)等。


其他囊性纤维化研究大的方向也包括CFRD、干细胞(Stem Cells)、生活质量(Quality of Life)等。



A,Molecular Therapies for Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

The central theme of this proposal is developing new molecular therapies to prevent or treat CF lung disease. The goal of our three projects and four cores is to exploit the power of our in vitro and animal models to address questions fundamental to lung disease pathogenesis and to use this knowledge to inform new therapeutic strategies to complement CF defects, including gene repair and the addition of a small molecule that forms anion channels.

The three closely interrelated Projects will work together to accomplish the following goals

1) To restore CFTR function using targeted single nucleotide editing. We hypothesize that cells in the surface airway epithelium, including those with progenitor capacity, can be targeted to repair CFTR mutations using base editing. 

2) To understand the mechanisms of amphotericin B (AmB)-induced anion secretion in airway epithelia and to test the hypothesis that AmB can restore CF host defenses in vivo. AmB is a small molecule that forms anion channels. 

3) To determine how CFTR expression in pulmonary ionocytes and ciliated cells regulates properties of the airway surface liquid that are crucial for clearance and innate immunity. 

B, Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy with adeno-associated viral vectors

To further explore the potential usefulness of gene therapy for CF, we will use Rhesus macaques to explore the toxicology and pharmacology of AAV1-CBΔ27-264. We will use a ferret model bearing the F508 mutation to evaluate rescue of the CF phenotype in a large animal model. This model is ideal for our studies because ferrets show a tropism for AAV1 similar to that of humans and monkeys, and the disease phenotype can be switched on and off following application or cessation CFTR corrector/potentiator treatment. Finally, we will conduct a phase I clinical trial in patients bearing the F508 mutation. 

We propose three overall Specific Aims: 

Aim I: To evaluate single-dose administration of AAV1-Δ27-264CFTR to Rhesus macaques. 

Aim 2: To determine the therapeutic effects of AAV1 vectors containing truncated CFTR in F508-del Ferrets. 

Aim 3: To determine whether dosing with an AAV1 vector containing a truncated CFTR will lead to transduc- tion in ferret and human primary airway cells. 

The overarching questions for CF gene therapy are whether gene transduction can rescue the CF phenotype and how long the therapeutic effect will last before a repeated administration is necessary. The answers to these practical questions have enormous clinical consequences for the development of effective CF gene therapy. This application will address the extent to which an AAV1 vector containing AAV1-CBΔ27-264 will be effective in rescuing the CF phenotype and how long the rescue will last. 

Significance: CF is an autosomal disease that leads to significant morbidity and mortality in patients with the disorder. The work is significant because it will address the safety and efficacy of CFTR delivery via AAV1 viral vectors to lung and to demonstrate CFTR expression.

爱去舞 人体艺术 妇科学问

下篇:主编推荐 ‖ 胃肠道解痉药匹维溴铵对表皮葡萄球菌的体外和体内抗菌活性研究


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