














A,关于认知缺陷(Cognitive Deficits)的研究项目最多

有 49 项在研基金涉及到了认知缺陷,关注最多的方面包括认知训练(Cognitive Training)、精神分裂症患者(People with Schizophrenia)、记忆(Memory)、神经元(Neurons)、精神分裂症谱系(Schizophrenia Spectrum)、静息态(Resting State)等方面研究。


B,精神分裂症(Schizophrenia SZ)的研究

有 47 项研究涉及到精神分裂症,研究领域主要涉及听觉(Auditory)、衰老(Aging)、阴性症状(Negative Symptoms)、遗传风险(Genetic Risk)、网络(Network)、前额叶皮质(Prefrontal Cortex)等方面研究。


C,临床研究(Clinical Trials)

有 37 项研究涉及到临床研究,涉及的关键词包括公共卫生(Public Health)、认知训练(Cognitive Training)、神经机制(Neural Mechanisms)、FEP患者(FEP Patients)、机器学习(Mechine Learning)、血清丁酸水平(Serum Butyrate Levels)等。


其他精神分裂症研究大的方向也包括社会认知(Social Cognition)、SCZ、工作记忆(Working Memory)等。



A,Clinical Trial Data Processing, Analysis, and Coordination Center (CT-DPACC) for Accelerating Medicines Partnership Schizophrenia (AMP SCZ) Project

In response to these challenges, in 2020, the NIMH launched the Accelerated Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ) project, a large, observational study designed to de-risk the drug development process through validation of drug development tools, including biomarkers related to cognition, brain structure and function, fluid biomarkers, genetic vulnerability and communication. Investigators in the current proposal led the Data Processing, Analysis and Coordination Center (DPACC) for the AMP SCZ project to manage and coordinate data from the clinical networks, overseeing all aspects of data flow, quality assurance, processing, and analysis. 

The current proposal is in response to RFA-MH-24-151, the next phase of the AMP SCZ project, to perform Proof of Principle (PoP) clinical trials utilizing Phase 2 ready compounds to target pathophysiologically relevant mechanisms that have the potential to produce a detectable signal (change) in biological, digital, cognitive, or clinical outcome measures within a 12-16 week period of study. We propose the Clinical Trial DPACC (CT-DPACC) to provide executive management, direction, and overall coordination, including data processing and analyses of data for the PoP trial(s). We will maintain the current research team and organizational structure and augment it with a strong regulatory team, including a contract research organization, to support investigational new drug submission(s) and perform regulatory and safety monitoring. 

Our specific goals are (1) offer study design and regulatory support, (2) manage, direct, monitor, and coordinate the multi-site clinical trials, and (3) develop data operation procedures, biostatistics, and data analysis. Successful completion of the CT-DPACC project, in conjunction with the supported PoP clinical trials network, is expected to yield clinically validated compounds for CHR.

B, Prostate inflammatory lesions as a proving ground for development of aggressive prostate cancer

For the RAISE initiative, we developed the NAVIGATE model of coordinated specialty care (CSC) for first episode psychosis which supports the EPINET goal of furthering measurement-based care and shared treatment decisions. To meet the EPINET goal of improving treatment, having all sites providing treatment using the same model has distinct advantages. Therefore, we have engaged 11 NAVIGATE sites in 4 states, enabling us to address challenges in different regions and find solutions that are not dependent on the environment and support of a single state. Based on our experience training NAVIGATE sites and analyses of RAISE-ETP data, we have identified targets for improvement of services. 

Our specific targets for improvement divide into two categories. First, initial approaches added to NAVIGATE care for all participants to provide an enhanced version of NAVIGATE (E-NAVIGATE). Second, three research projects target critical junctures in CSC care. 

Study 1 aims to reduce duration of untreated psychosis (DUP). In RAISE-ETP median DUP was 74 weeks and had a significant impact on quality of life and symptoms. We will study the effect of targeted ads that appear in response to specific terms when someone searches the internet. We expect that this will increase the number of young people who will come to our clinics with shorter DUP. 

Study 2 addresses further reduction of hospitalization. Even with CSC, approximately one third will be hospitalized within 2 years and poor adherence to medication can lead to hospitalization. Direct observation of treatment can substantially improve adherence and reduce hospitalization. We will study a unique suite of methods for direct observation delivered as an app on a smart phone to support adherence. In a randomized trial we will compare this intervention to usual E-NAVIGATE to improve adherence and reduce hospitalization. 

Study 3 is designed to identify E-NAVIGATE participants who are at high risk for disengagement, and to intervene in order to prevent/delay disengagement because even with CSC, 30-50% of participants will disengage from treatment within 2 years. We will compare an internet delivered version of E-NAVIGATE that reduces treatment burden to usual clinical strategies to prevent disengagement. We will build upon our RAISE-ETP and post-ETP experience to build a unique network that will deliver an evolving CSC that changes based upon feedback from experience and a dedicated informatics platform. 

Research, designed to be generalizable not only to our network but to CSC practice more broadly, will set the stage for the next generation of CSC deployment.

爱去舞 人体艺术 妇科学问


上篇:Am J Clin Nutr:孕期鱼类摄入与儿童自闭症及自闭症相关特质的关系

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