

肥胖(Obesity)是一种涉及过多体脂积累的慢性疾病,可能对健康造成严重影响。它通常通过身体质量指数(BMI)来定义和分类,BMI 是体重(公斤)除以身高(米)的平方。成人的BMI 等于或大于30时通常被诊断为肥胖。













A,关于减重(Weight Loss)的研究项目最多

有 131 项在研基金涉及到了减重,关注最多的方面包括长期(Long Term)、体重增加(Weight Gain)、运动(Physical Activity)、严重肥胖(Severe Obesity)、能量消耗(Energy Expenditure)、减肥手术(Bariatiric Surgery)等研究。


B,儿童肥胖(Childhood Obesity)的研究

有 105 项研究涉及到儿童肥胖,研究领域主要涉及长期(Long Term)、体重增加(Weight Gain)、低收入(Low Income)、孕产妇肥胖(Maternal Obesity)、运动(Physical Activity)、初级保健(Primary Care)方面研究。


C,脂肪组织(Adipose Tissue)

有 85 项研究涉及到脂肪组织,涉及的关键词包括饮食引起的肥胖(Dietinduced Obesity)、体重(Body Weight)、胰岛素敏感性(Insulin Sensitivity)、(Body Composition)、长期(Long Term)、、能量消耗(Energy Expenditure)等。


其他肥胖研究大的方向也包括胰岛素抵抗(Insulin Resistance)、癌症(Cancer)、中心假设(Central Hypothesis)等。



A,Kansas Center for Metabolism and Obesity REsearch (KC-MORE)

The KC- MORE will serve to merge these areas of focus by (1) creating a shared intellectual home for obesity-related researchers through a common educational and seminar program, (2) providing funding and mentorship for early stage obesity-related investigators to establish independent research careers, (3) establishing scientific cores to facilitate translational research of both early stage and established investigators, and (4) partnering with departments to jointly recruit new investigators to KUMC focused on themes of the KC-MORE. 

The KC-MORE will be led by two multi- PIs, Drs. Steven Weinman and John Thyfault, and a renowned senior investigator, Dr. Joseph Donnelly who will serve as Chair of the Steering Committee and lead human energy balance research. These leaders have multi- disciplinary but complimentary expertise in basic, clinical, and translational research. 

Phase 1 of the Center will support the development of four Research Project Leaders (RPLs) with studies on neural control of energy balance, clinical-based approaches to weight loss in rural communities, and basic mechanisms of obesity-related fatty liver disease and hypertension. 

The KC-MORE will lead 3 new scientific cores that provide a foundation for translational research capabilities (the Metabolism (MET) core, the Cells, Tissues, Bioanalysis and Bioinformatics (CTBB) core, and the Human Energy Balance (HEB) core). 

A critical goal of phase 1 of the KC-MORE COBRE will be to help RPLs develop independent, R01-funded research programs. 

B, Development of a Novel Hyaluronan Inhibitor for the Treatment of Group 3 Pulmonary Hypertension (PH)

Consistent with the requirement of a RC2 mechanism, we will develop a comprehensive database of functionally important RNA modifications in selected human tissues. We seek to interrogate alterations in the modifications of RNA, specifically, the two most important modifications, N6-adenosine methylation (m6A) and pseudouridylation in key metabolic cell types that are relevant for type 2 diabetes and obesity.

In this proposal, we will: 

1) Interrogate the mRNA and chromatin- associated RNA modifications, m6A-sequencing and BID-ψ-sequencing at base resolution with stoichiometry information in key metabolic tissues from patients with T2D and obesity; 

2) Perform m6A and ψ QTL studies in tissues from patients with T2D and obesity and validate the functional relevance of key mRNA and chromatin- associated RNA modifications in in vitro studies; 

3) Interrogate comprehensive transcription and enhancer activity using ATAC-seq in the metabolic tissues from patients with T2D and obesity; 

4) Perform eQTL studies using transcriptional activity data obtained from KAS-seq and RNA modification results on carRNAs in T2D and obese tissues, and perform validation in in vitro studies;

5) Develop a large-scale resource database on mRNA and chromatin-associated RNA modifications and transcription activity with correlation of common genomic features for the larger scientific community. 

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