摘要速递 | 一项针对244 例未分化结缔组织病妊娠的多中心研究:母胎结局和疾病演变


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题目:一项针对244 例未分化结缔组织病妊娠的多中心研究:母胎结局和疾病演变

期刊:Rheumatology (Oxford,England)







结果:在分析的224例妊娠中,177例(79%)为活产,45例(20.1%)为流产(定义为妊娠12周前流产),2例(0.9%)为死产(妊娠20周后流产),6例(2.7%)为宫内生长受限。孕产妇妊娠并发症如下:子痫前期5例(2.2%),妊娠期高血压11例(4.9%),妊娠期糖尿病12例(5.4%)。流产和死产与抗磷脂抗体和ENA抗体的存在密切相关(P < 0.05)。关节受累是该队列中最常见的临床表现(57.9%),其次是雷诺现象(40.6%)、光过敏(32.3%)和血液学表现(27.1%)。在我们的队列中,从确诊 UCTD 到确诊 CTD 的平均时间为 5.3 ± 2.8 年,疾病演变率为 12%。首次怀孕后的总随访时间为 1417 人-年(patient-years),我们观察到每 88 人-年中就有一人被确诊为 CTD。



Objectives: To investigate fetal/perinatal and maternal outcomes from a large multi-centre cohort of women diagnosed with UCTD.

Methods: This multicentre retrospective cohort study describes the outcomes of 224 pregnancies in 133 consecutive women with a diagnosis of UCTD, positive for ANA and aged <45 years old at study inclusion.

Results: Of the 224 pregnancies analysed, 177 (79%) resulted in live births, 45 (20.1%) in miscarriages (defined as pregnancy loss before 12 weeks' gestation), 2 (0.9%) in stillbirths (pregnancy loss after 20 weeks' gestation) and 6 (2.7%) cases showed intrauterine growth restriction. Miscarriages and stillbirths were strongly associated with the presence of aPL and ENA antibodies (P < 0.05). Maternal pregnancy complications were as follows: 5 (2.2%) cases developed pre-eclampsia, 11 (4.9%) cases gestational hypertension and 12 (5.4%) cases gestational diabetes. Joint involvement represented the most frequent clinical manifestation of the cohort (57.9%), followed by RP (40.6%), photosensitivity (32.3%) and haematological manifestations (27.1%). The rate of disease evolution of our cohort from a diagnosis of UCTD to a diagnosis of definite CTD was 12% within a mean time of 5.3 ± 2.8 years. With a total follow-up after first pregnancy of 1417 patient-years, we observed the evolution to a defined CTD in one out of every 88 patient- years.

Conclusion: In our multicentre cohort, women with UCTD had a live birth rate of 79%. Women with UCTD should be referred to specialist follow-up when planning a pregnancy. ENA profiling and aPL testing should be mandatory in this setting, and further therapeutic approaches and management should be planned accordingly.


Radin M, Schreiber K, Cecchi I, Bortoluzzi A, Crisafulli F, de Freitas CM, Bacco B, Rubini E, Foddai SG, Padovan M, Gallo Cassarino S, Franceschini F, Andrade D, Benedetto C, Govoni M, Bertero T, Marozio L, Roccatello D, Andreoli L, Sciascia S. A multicentre study of 244 pregnancies in undifferentiated connective tissue disease: maternal/fetal outcomes and disease evolution. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 Sep 1;59(9):2412-2418.

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